Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

Daily Activity #7

Daily Activity #7 - February 22nd 2018  

     Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. The blog where i will tell you about my activities for today starting from morning to afternoon. This will be my last blog for this week, so i hope you like it! Alright let's begin. Today's Activities started like the usual day at 7.20 am. I went from home to campus by motorcycle. I arrived at campus at 7.00 am and suprising things that happened this morning is that i'm not late. After waiting for around 10 minutes, the senior instructed us to do one line in front of the kitchen and do an equipment check.

     After the equipment check, i went to the locker room to put my bag. From the locker room, i headed straight to the cold kitchen and do one line in there again. Because today is group 2's off day to do project, right after morning pray, we went out from the kitchen to do our project. After 30 minutes of thinking and planning i've came out with an idea for the project, so i told my friend about the idea and they seems pretty okay with my idea. Then Mr.Jaya came and asked for our help to move some stuff from the old classroom to the new one. We moved some furniture, utensils, and books.

     Then the lunch time has arrived, and i got a chance to go to the restaurant to enjoy lunch in table manner. So i went to the restaurant with my friend. In the restaurant we were greeted and seated by the waitress. The first dish is served, and it was Sambal Ulang-Ulang, it was delicious. Then the next dish came out which is sop kacang merah, Then the main course Bebek menyatnyat, the duck was so tender it was amazing. Then the last dish Bika Ambon for dessert, i've never tried bika ambon before so i didn't know how it taste, but it tasted pretty yummy.

     After the lunch i went back to the kitchen and waited until 3.40 pm and then the senior called us to go inside the cold kitchen to do one line again. The senior gave us our task for general cleaning and instructed us to do general cleaning. After finished the day was closed by our senior incharge and told us to go back home to rest. Today was pretty relaxing but educating day. I got to experience table manner, moving stuff, and got to do the project that we're still keep working on. That was today's blog. I hopped you liked it, see you next week and don't forget

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