Sabtu, 24 November 2018

Gammara Training Day #4

Gammara Training Day #4 - October 11th 2018

     Hey guys, today is the last day for my gammara training. no, actually there is one more day which is tomorrow, but we're only told to write blog for 4 days. so that makes this blog the last blog for my gammara training, so i started today just like usual, waking up, prepared my self then went straight to gammara. today i got the morning shift again so i arrived at gammara at around 7 am. when i arrived, kak wawan which is the CDP of Butcher station already waited for me with 3 containers full of chicken.

     Then we started butchered the chicken into small pieces. we finished at around 11 am. then we took a break and some lunch, then after finished we took a little break and went back to the kitchen. at the kitchen i saw chef rifo carved a watermelon. i want to learn how to carve. but i still have a lot of things to do. so then i took some fish and cut it into the goujonettes cut. after we finished that. kak wawan told us that we have an order of sliced beef for beef black pepper and rendang. around 40 kgs of beef.

    We finished around 3 am then we marinated it with meat tenderizer and put it in the freezer for tomorrow's use. after i finished in the butcher station i then did some general cleaning, then went to the main kitchen to help a little bit. then i helped by making some order of club sandwich and Nasi Goreng Kampung. i helped plating and other things. then after finished chef rifo called me to the chiller and freezer to helped them cleaning up the freezer as chef dyno instructed. then at around 5 am i went back home and rest.

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